Contact Us

Welcome to KALOX STARS Customer Service

What would you like us to help you with today? You can quickly take care of most things here or connect with an expert when needed.

Email Addresses

Mobile Numbers

Working Hours

Mon-Fri 12:00AM - 12:00PM

Sat-Sun 12:00AM - 12:00PM

Office Address

28 Sir Samuel Lewis, Aberdeen Road,
Western Area, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
West Africa.

Get In Touch

Feel free to reach us. We’ll respond to you in the shortest possible time.


    We offer 24/7 customer support. We are always available via live chat, phone calls, WhatsApp, Emails, Forms, and other media outlets.

    At Kalox Stars, we believe in interaction. Communication is vital, and we prioritize it, and that’s why we can be established in Africa and reach our clients worldwide.

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